Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Why you can't settle?

Life is the most precious gift you have and not taking advantage of it is a waste of time. Can you take advantage of it while settling? Not really. The moment you settle, you land in the comfort comfortably; that is probably one of the biggest oximorons. Life is not about being comfortable; It's about constant changes and adapting....where there is no space for comfort.
Am I the only who thinks like this? Everytime I have been in the edge of settling down I have decided to take an exit route. Comfort scares me...settling down frightens me. I know what you must be thinking now, and no...maturity is not to blame. I consider myself quite mature (or at least I like to think that). Not wanting to settle down means you aspire more from life, it means you're immaturely ambitious. I don't think my ambitions have matured contraire, the more I live the more I want to discover and conquer.
Life goes by so quickly and regret is the worst. Don't settle...that's not the life you want to be living, even if its the norm for our society.

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