Thursday, December 11, 2014

Caged out of our own nature

This morning I stumbled upon an article on BBC Earth titled "Back to Nature" by George Monbiot, and as I started skimming through it, I thought to myself “it is way too long and of no interest to me” but decided to keep reading…and there it was...that phrase:  "Now almost every aspect of our lives is lived within grids, either concrete or abstract"…now George had caught my attention. When you look at how our society has been built, it has been built based on structure and rigidness- which is completely against human nature.

And George continues to amaze me with phrases like “Thus we box ourselves out of the natural world”. We truly do. Think of how we have structured every part of our current way of living, even intervening nature's peace with farming and other domesticated structured practices. Nature inspires freedom, inspires creativity- why wouldn’t we want to inspire that to our current world? Don’t you think that most of our current problems are caused by the way we have organized ourselves and tried to compartmentalize each and every one of our surroundings?  The fictitious interconnectedness we have created among a compartmentalized network is as ironic as the way we interact with nature. We love animals, yet we drink their milk, eat their meat and etc. We love nature, yet we continue to build concrete and seek for that urban progress, that is just a fallacy. Capitalism has led us to forget of our beginnings in this world, which started among rural areas. Before we all looked into being self-efficient by producing our own goods, and working the hours necessary to sustain a comfortable living. Fast forward to now… we are not self-efficient- we depend on capitalism to feed us, train us and lead the way. Material items have gained more value than our own leisure and sanity.

Is this the world we want to continue to live in? Better yet, is this the world we want to leave for future generations? Should we start to look at things from a different perspective? As I  grow professionally, I continue to notice how our values have been misconstrued and mislead by that wonderful free-market which continues to imprison our happiness. It’s ok, if you disagree with my statements… but before you go back to your imprisoned self and to your daily routine please read and ponder on the following paragraph from the article Back to Nature:

“We become resistant to the experiences that nature has to offer; its spontaneity and serendipity, its unscripted delights, its capacity to shake us out of the frustrations and humiliations, which are an inevitable product of the controlled and ordered world we have sought to create. We bully the living world into the grids we impose on ourselves. Even the areas we claim to have set aside for nature are often subjected to rigid management plans, in which the type and the height of the vegetation is precisely ordained and, through grazing or cutting or burning, nature is kept in a state of arrested development to favour an arbitrary assemblage of life over other possible outcomes. Nothing is allowed to change, to enter or leave. We preserve these places as if they were jars of pickles”

Let's get creative and make some pickleback shots!
(All views are my own)
Francoise Mugnano

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Beginners chess: Puerto Rican Government vs the Puerto Rican Economic Crisis

The current Government of Puerto Rico has done it yet again...
Since yesterday, the government ceased services for public transportation (train and buses)- since they have no budget. Of course, cutting all public transportation makes complete's such a luxury good. If you look at the microeconomic definition of the different goods, you have the following:
  • Inferior good - Increase in income causes a fall in demand
  • Normal good - Increase in income causes an increase in demand
  • Luxury good - Increase in income causes an even bigger increase in demand
  • Public goods - Non rival and non exclusive goods
  • Private goods - Rival and exclusivity
  • Common resources - Goods that are rival in consumption but not excludable
According to these definitions, public transportation totally fits in luxury good (sarcasm speaks). I mean it's not rocket science that public transportation is a public good. With the ceasing of these exclusive public goods around 70 thousand passengers that utilize the public transit will be affected. Along with 882 employees of the AMA (bus transit) and 1,600 of the ACT (train transit). To this we should take into account around 3,000 patients and employees that use public transportation to get to one of the top Medical Centers in Puerto Rico (Centro Medico), and not to forget of the inmense amount of students from the University of Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Campus that use the train to get to their respective classes. So, not only are you affecting the transportation sector, but this action can have a domino effect on the education sector, the health sector and of course the labor force; as well, are you leaving without pay around 2,000 public employees and around 70 thousand people with no means or ways to get to their workplaces.
But wait! There's more...isn't petroleum prices in PR going up? buuut in the U.S. it is being reported as the lowest petroleum prices since 2010; gas prices are no more than $3 per gallon in the United States, while in Puerto Rico they are 0.87 cents per litre, which is around $4 per gallon. Also, take into account the impact this will have in traffic..currently you have an average of around 2-4 cars per household in Puerto Rico, of a total population of 3.62 million; where the whole island only has 10 expressways.. plus some 66 primary highways (and other secondary/tertiary roads).
There's also been some oddly interesting behavior with our current administration towards petroleum. Ever since the Governor took office, he started working on looking for diverse petroleum companies to invest in Puerto Rico (from Latin America, Spain and others). In December 2013, he had already signed contract with PUMA Energy for them to set their regional headquarters in Puerto Rico. This is just a mere assumption (please do not quote me on this), but the fact that this deal happened so quickly after he took office in November 2013, and how now gas prices are going up might lead me to think the following:
Chronological order:
  1. Government gets petroleum company to invest in Puerto Rico
  2. Gas prices rise
  3. Government ceases public transportation in debate of an increase in petroelum tax to 68%
Hence, did the Government of Puerto Rico promise to subsidze PUMA Energy's investment in Puerto Rico with the people's money? Did they sign an agreement on behalf of the citizens? Why are you all of the sudden looking to increase petroleum tax, cease public transportation and have gas prices rise simultaneously? Sure, makes sense...obligate people to use cars by ceasing public transit and raise petroleum prices/taxes to get the revenue you need to account for some sort of a subsidy. All of which, have an IMMEDIATE effect on your citizens.
The Government of Puerto Rico is playing a chess match against the Puerto Rican economic crisis, and it's using its pawns to try and win. For those avid chess players, you know that pawns can't really get you too far, you are going to need to move the bishops, knights, queen and king in order to win the match. The Government of Puerto Rico can't keep trying to use its pawns (citizens) to win over this economic crisis- they need to start moving other pieces or looking into other sources of possible revenue besides their pawns.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Senseless way of living

The soul speaks as the mind negates,
insecurity prevails in the corrupted air,
love is taken for granted each day,
Life makes sense in a senseless way.

Sentiments hide in an abstract mass,
Subconscious seeks for real life advice,
things are seen as concrete stuff,
life makes sense in a senseless way.

Love is abused in so many ways,
Tears are whispering pain and despair,
Silence is mortal even when you do say,
Life makes sense in a senseless way.

Friday, July 25, 2014

P.S. I love you - A colonial relationship for the centuries

Today people in Puerto Rico celebrate the ELA known as our current commonwealth status, while others march for statehood to express their discontent with the current status.

We have been a commonwealth of the US since 1917. Despite the fact that we had a plebiscite in 2013- where the majority voted for a change of the current status (63% voted for statehood)- Congress and the President of the United States are pushing back to take action on this. I’m sure Puerto Rico is not a priority among all the issues that they are currently dealing with, since we are only a territory of the United States which throughout the years has been neglected.

Oh yes, we have a wonderful passport of the United States, and we can represent the U.S. in battle but we have no right to vote for the President of the United States. How ironic is it that around 100,000 Puerto Ricans serve to protect a country where they can't even have the basic right of voting for their leader?

That's the perfect example of neglect. Puerto Rico is the neglected girlfriend of the United States. It's disturbing how much United States and Puerto's status options can be assimilated with romantic situations. Consider this your 101 Puerto Rico political parties class...The first lesson is to know the three main parties: the independents, the commonwealthers and the statehooders. Second lesson is to explain the relationship between each of the parties and the U.S.: 1) In the independent relationship, Puerto Rico is the independent girlfriend that wants nothing to do with the guy (U.S.); 2) Then you have the commonwealthers, where Puerto Rico is the type of girlfriend that likes to be spoiled by the U.S., but doesn't want to commit- Poor guy; 3) And finally, you have the statehooders where Puerto Rico is the type of girlfriend that is ready to commit, just waiting for the U.S. to decide what it wants and propose. So, U.S. we are waiting (we want you to propose), but are you having second thoughts about us?

Here's the deal. The United States is having second thoughts because of a few things- I'll try to point them all: 1) First you have the Republican party's concern of having more Hispanics and potential Democrats in the Ballot; which is not true, since there is a good amount of Republicans in Puerto Rico; 2) Due to our current economic crisis, the U.S. is unsure of our potential for growth; which from an economic standpoint crises are bound to happen (cycle of life), and from them lie much opportunities for growth; 3) Regarding the Hispanic issue, we speak Spanish, and not many Puerto Ricans speak English; which brings fear to the ignorant conservatives that think we are not currently U.S. Citizens and don't deserve to be; 4) Puerto Rico has its own Constitution based on the U.S. Constitution, and as well has other state powers that are regulated by the state and not the federal government; which they will have to deal and modify if we were to become a state, and "Ain't nobody got time for that"; 5) If we become a state, that will mean more representation in Congress, or should I say actual representation?.. Since currently, we have only one non-voting member in Congress to represent around 4 million Puerto Ricans; and the list goes on. I apologize if I missed some important key points, but that's enough to have our boyfriend (the United States) doubting our potential in this relationship.

As well, the girlfriend has its doubts but they are mostly superficial, like; 1) We won’t have a Miss Puerto Rico Universe, or an Olympic team! 2) We will have to pay federal taxes! (Umm...we already pay some federal taxes and actually considering the incomes and quality of living you won't even notice the difference); 3) we will lose our culture and our language; and so on… Most of these concerns were resolved during the plebiscite in November 2013, when a 63% of the girlfriends' brain voted in favor of committing. So, what's it gonna be U.S.?

We currently NEED the federal government to take action. Here's a very accurate example of why we need the federal government: "Yesterday, I was talking to my mother who notified me that she has been getting dirty water in the faucet, for the dishes and etc. for the past days". I asked her to send me a picture and it looked like pee...seriously what are we a USA territory or a third world country?! But wait… THERE’S MORE! The Executive Director of the government agency that deals with water control/drinking water (AAA), Alberto Lazaro, said that "this water is's like when you add a little packet to make the water have flavor, well this is flavored water". The current Governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, has not said a word regarding this statement. How do you expect me to take this government circus seriously?

If the Executive branch of our state government is denying us the right to clean drinking water, then what should we do? Water is a basic natural resource, and if not handled correctly could lead to numerous diseases. So, what is the Governor of Puerto Rico waiting for? Perhaps they are awaiting an outbreak of a new disease to unleash in Puerto Rico?

The saddest part is that mostly everyone is too busy celebrating the ELA (our wonderful commonwealth status) or marching against it- sooo busy, that no one has taken the time to protest against such a serious manner. All politicians, from all parties, are too busy with their own political agenda to even give a damn.

So how do I get the federal government involved? Do I need to have people sign a petition in order to get the federal government to intervene and investigate? But again we are not a priority to the U.S... Other countries that are not even a part of the United States are a bigger priority than that of a territory of the United States. Then why be a territory? The United States is the hegemon of the international community but it can't even sustain its own territories. Puerto Rico's government agencies are filing bankruptcy but that's a whole other issue, that's also not important.
So consider this a cry for help from the girlfriend (Puerto Rico) to the boyfriend (U.S.).

"United States,

You are too busy flirting with other countries that you are missing out on so many opportunities right around your corner. If you took advantage of my potential to develop we could be the Dubai of the Atlantic Ocean. I know you want to maintain relationships with everybody but the sense of abandonment I am feeling, because of you, is hurtful. It is hurting so much that the heart of my existence (the economy) is weakening quickly. I know you might not want to have to deal with my issues, but as Albert Einstein once said: "In the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity". I am waiting for you, but I won't wait forever."


Puerto Rico
All views regarding this article are my own.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Nos souvenirs

Remember those days?
When you used to hold me in your arms,
When I only weighted 20 pounds.
Remember those days?
When we would watch sports together,
Rooting for MJ, the Yankees and the Lakers.
Remember those days?
When you would hold my hand,
And protect me from those evil spiders.
Remember those days?
When I banned you from my volleyball games,
'Cause the pressure of dissapointing you I couldn't bare.
Remember those days?
When we took singing lessons together,
And had to "vomit" to hold a tune.
Remember those days?
When we would look forward to the weekend,
Just so we could play some bad ass tennis.
Remember the day?
I moved to DC chasing my dreams,
Leaving behind my heart and family.
Remember those days?
Please, Please don't forget them
Remember those days?
Please, Please don't forget me.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Why you can't settle?

Life is the most precious gift you have and not taking advantage of it is a waste of time. Can you take advantage of it while settling? Not really. The moment you settle, you land in the comfort comfortably; that is probably one of the biggest oximorons. Life is not about being comfortable; It's about constant changes and adapting....where there is no space for comfort.
Am I the only who thinks like this? Everytime I have been in the edge of settling down I have decided to take an exit route. Comfort scares me...settling down frightens me. I know what you must be thinking now, and no...maturity is not to blame. I consider myself quite mature (or at least I like to think that). Not wanting to settle down means you aspire more from life, it means you're immaturely ambitious. I don't think my ambitions have matured contraire, the more I live the more I want to discover and conquer.
Life goes by so quickly and regret is the worst. Don't settle...that's not the life you want to be living, even if its the norm for our society.